Kaycee was matched to her Big Sister Andrea in 2001. Kaycee has an older sister who was also being matched at the same time. For Kaycee she realizes everyday how lucky she was to be paired with Andrea as it was a 50/50 chance her older sister could have been paired with Andrea instead. Kaycee’s life was harder than it needed to be. Anytime Kaycee was able to have an outing with Andrea she got to pretend her life was normal for those 2 hours. In Kaycee’s eyes Andrea was the perfect role model. Andrea had a healthy relationship with her husband, later on had two healthy children, went to college and has worked at the same job forever. Kaycee has inspired to always be just like Andrea. As their match grew strangers would even say they looked alike, and Kaycee loved that comment every time. Their bond grew as Kaycee started to struggle. Kaycee experienced bullying and even homelessness and her Big was there for her every step of the way. Kaycee has never felt alone because she knew she could always call Andrea, day or night. Andrea has been at all of Kaycee’s milestones from high school graduation, getting her masters’ at Andrea’s alma mater, Arizona State University, and being there for the birth of Kaycee’s first child. 24 years later they are still very connected and now both work for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona together.