Name: Megan Epley
Company: stARTem
Position: Founder
Job Description: I founded stARTem, an educational nonprofit that puts the art in STEM. stARTem provides STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) education to K8 schools through school programming and monthly boxes to at-home learners. My day consists of teaching our stARTem curriculum at our partner schools half of the day while the other half I spend time on development with curriculum or connecting with other schools and recently mom influencers on Instagram.
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Education Background: Arizona State University- Go Devils!
How long have you been a member of YPC?: YPC member since January 2021
Are you a Big?: Not currently but hope to be soon.
Best piece of professional advice?
My mentor Kathleen Duffy has always said that when we fail be sure to fail forward. That phrase has just always stuck with me. It’s expected that we will go through rough patches but it’s important to keep moving forward and learning from those mishaps.
Most played song?
Currently, Kasey Musgraves whole new album
Three accomplishments:
Starting my own business (been active since 2016), any speaking engagement, completing my 200hr yoga certification
Top three hobbies:
Painting, hiking, and yoga
About the Young Professionals Council
The BBBSAZ Young Professionals Council was founded by dedicated young professionals in the Valley who have a vested interest in shaping Arizona’s youth and building a stronger network of support for the agency. This diverse group of individuals, ages 18 to 40, volunteer their time to support BBBSAZ’s many initiatives in the community. YPC members volunteer at events, support BBBSAZ volunteer recruitment efforts, and represent BBBSAZ at various community events and networking groups.
The members of YPC are always looking for dynamic community-minded individuals to join their efforts. If you’d like to learn more about YPC, please reach out to Adrian Jamieson at ajamieson@bbbsaz.org or (602) 393-4120.