Typically when you think of giving to an organization you think of monetary donations. Another great way companies can give back though is through in-kind donations. An in-kind donation could be a gift card, a gift certificate or products (coffee mugs, t-shirts, hats, logoed items etc..) from a company. These types of in-kind donations are used throughout the year at our annual events to help increase potential revenue. In-kind donations are tax deductible and also bring awareness to companies who are giving back to the community by supporting the mission of BBBS: To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
At the BBBSAZ annual events listed below our team utilizes in-kind donations in a variety of ways. In-kind gifts can be turned into raffle prizes or silent auction items or mystery boxes and more! The possibilities are endless when we receive support from our surrounding community partners.
BBBSAZ annual events:
- Big Night Out – Gala in early Spring (estimate 800 guests)
- The Big Event – Volunteer appreciation event in the late Spring (estimate 200 attendees)
- Tee Up for Kids – Golf tournament at the beginning of Summer (estimate 200 participants)
- Casino Night hosted by the Young Professionals Council (YPC) – Cocktail party in the Fall (estimate 150 guests)
- Paul’s Car Wash – Week-long televised Car Wash in the Fall (estimate 700 attendees and thousands of viewers
Last year, the BBBSAZ team spent a couple of months updating and putting together an in-kind donation mailing list of over 1,300 different places. Some of the places from our mailing list were museums and theaters. By utilizing company specific online donation request forms, we were also able to reach out to several spas and restaurants.
Prior to our Big Night Out in the Valley event this past February, our team worked very hard to make several in-kind donation phone calls to hotels, salons and golf places to ensure we had a variety of in-kind donations for the event. The more unique the experience the better!
In-kind donations can be mailed to/dropped off at our office or a team member from our agency can pick up the item(s). If you are interested in making a donation please email Holly, Development and Marketing Assistant at herickson@bbbsaz.org. Thank you for your consideration!