I’m a Changed woman
Before I get into what I am going to say, I must introduce myself. My name is Zaida Scott and I am a Junior in high school who just turned 16 years old. I have been in Big Brothers Big Sisters since I was 13 years old and my big, Hannah Carr, has been the role model of a lifetime.
When I was in the Eighth grade, me and my mom were going through some hard times. We had to move due to some family drama, and I lived with my grandfather while she lived with her friend. When we did move into our own place, we got a call from BBBS and that was the call that brought me my best friend. To be completely honest I was scared to even do it because one, I’m being forced to meet a stranger and two, what if she doesn’t like me? Well, I was right she doesn’t like me… She absolutely loves me like her actual sister. Me and Hannah have so many wonderful memories of the past three years and we are continuing to make memories.
Hannah has impacted my life big time. She taught me how to be fearless and taught me that I should go after any dream that will make me happy. She has also helped me a lot. From school work to family troubles, and even took me to Flagstaff, Arizona so that I can go look at Northern Arizona University for a future college preference. I have never bonded with someone so easily in my life. Hannah is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. She has gotten out some new hobbies that I have never thought of trying. But I have also impacted her as well.
I have introduced a new teenage mindset to Hannah, and she has learned many things from as I her. I taught her what KPOP is, by the way, you should listen to BTS. I also brought to her attention the latest alternative music station, 93.3, and we both bonded with the best movie of 2018, Bohemian Rhapsody.
In conclusion, Not only has Hannah changed me into the strong and independent person I am today. Without her in my life, I would probably still sitting on a couch munching on some hot Cheetos and wasting away my youth. So, thank You Hannah and I love you.
Now it’s my turn to tell you how amazing my Little sister Zaida is! Zaida has truly become my sister. Over the last three years, she has overcome multiple obstacles to keep the gentle, loving, dedicated spirit she has. Being the older sibling while her mother was hospitalized many times created an adult mindset most 16-year old’s don’t have to have, but she has worn it with pride and grace. She has not only managed to keep her positive mindset, but she has also taught me more about life than I think she realizes. She has taught me to enjoy the little things in life. When we spend time together, we don’t have to spend a lot of money or do something extraordinary to have a good time. She has also taught me to be adventurous! Her love for Asian cultures has encouraged me to go with her to try new foods, watch new shows and movies, which makes me a better human overall. Lastly, she has taught me to appreciate relationships first. As an only child growing up, I never knew what it felt like to have a sibling; and having the opportunity to be Zaida’s sister shows me the absolutely joys of having a close relationship with a sister. We have shared tears, struggles and my favorite: laughter! I couldn’t have been luckier to be matched with her.